Saturday, August 11, 2012

July - Selflessness as the path to the human center becomes catharsis.

June 21 to July 21

Such true perseverance is selfless.

True selflessness is equally far removed from hardening and dissolution.
Adulating dependency is no less self-centered than rigid consistence on one’s own prejudices and interests. True selflessness defends neither the narrowness of the subjective personality nor loses itself in other people and things. It is rather the golden mean between these two deviations and temptations. Not obscured by the selfishness of fear nor by that of greed, it is therefore pure. Purification is the path that overcomes fear through the truth that unites all beings and, through an inner life that liberates one from the dependency of desire, accepts the twists and turns of fate. This selflessness, which through considerateness and renunciation finds itself, is self-assured. With his idea of purification (catharsis) Aristotle denotes initiation into the path of destiny as being the task of the poet. This catharsis is achieved by overcoming and transforming the dangers that threaten the human center.

Selflessness as the path to the human center becomes catharsis.

A meditation on such selflessness is the saying: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”

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